How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account
You Are Here Because You are Looking For The Best Website Or Apps To Use To Convert Your Airtime To Cash?, Don’t worry I Am Going To Be Teaching You How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account without Any Stress.
Is well Very pain full to see your self recharging more than the amount you intended recharging your phone through Your Bank App Due to wrong input of figures, or Some one sent you an airtime instead of cash.
Due To That, Finding How To Turn the Airtime To Cash is major problem many people face, You don’t need to worry your self that is why I want to teach you How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account.
We can’t Do without Airtime since Airtime is what we need on a daily basis, but when having the Airtime much can not be useful something.
if you don’t have enough money to buy something and have enough Airtime to call, to me it seems to be useless, so that is why you need to turn some of the Airtime Back into cash.
In that aspect you can sell the Airtime same amount and receive your money back to your bank account without any stress or deduction.
Knowing how this work is another thing but don’t worry we will figure out how it works and the best Way To convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account.
How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account
This platform below are ways you can convert your Airtime to Cash and Get it credited to your bank Account without stress And The Converting Can Be Done Either Via App Or On The Website.
List Of Apps To Convert Airtime To Cash In Nigeria
Still on How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank, Converting Airtime To Cash Is Not easy but is very easy using the listed App below.
The App listed below are The Top Ten with Best Sites To Convert Airtime To Cash without Any Stress.
- 1: Modelc
- 2: IpayAirtime
- 3: Eazymobile
- 4: Recharge2cash
- 5: Glover
- 6: Gosub
- 7: Cheetahpay
- 8: Aimtoget
- 9: Airtimeflip
- 10: Prestmit
You can pick any of this platform and work with it, with any of the app listed below you can easily use it to Convert your Airtime to Cash and get it credited to your bank account immediately without any stress.
How To Convert Airtime To Cash On Palmpay
Palmpay is a financial app that lets it users perform series of transactions by making use of the application.
which the application Can Be Used to pay bills like Electric, Cable Subscriptions, Airtime And Data bundles and this application Can Also Be Used For Sending And Receiving Money.
Palmpay Can be used for pos Business, since Palmpay have their own pos machine which make it very easy in starting pos Business.
Palmpay And Palmpay Have added some features on it that will help you to convert your Airtime to your Palmpay wallet which you can still transfer the money to your bank account without any stress.
Steps On How To Convert Airtime To Cash On Palmpay
- Download Palmpay App .
- Sign up And Login.
- Upgrade Your Account For Higher Transactions.
- Click On Recharge2cash icon
- Choose The Sim Network
- Input The Otp code and your phone number.
- Input The Amount Your Want To Convert
- Click On Convert
Just know that it takes less than 30minute for the Airtime To Be converted To Cash in your wallet.
Read Also: How To Apply And Activate An Opay Debit Card
How To Convert Airtime To Cash Using Aimtoget?
Aimtoget is one of the most viewed first Airtime payment Getway in Nigeria. Do you know that with the help of Aimtoget you are covered when it comes to paying your bills like Sending And Receiving Payments, you can use it to immediately convert your Airtime And Data To cash without Any Stress By making use of the Aimtoget App.
Is very is easy to turn your Network’s Airtime into cash under 30minute with the help of Aimtoget App.
- 1: Download Or Visit The Website And Register And login.
- 2: Select Your respective Airtime Option via fund wallet.
- 3: Input Your required Amount And The Phone Number you want to send To and the network provider.
- 4: Send the Airtime To the number That is Visible.
- 5: Make sure Your Confirm the Transfer, Your wallet will be credited under 30minute.
Just know that Aimtoget Get other features also.
How To Convert Airtime To Cash In 5minutes using Tingtel App.
Tingtel Is an App that permits you to sell your Airtime At Best Price in Nigeria, You can sell all network like Mtn, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile Airtime At Cheaper price.
When you sell this Airtime To Tingtel, from your Tingtel wallet you can easily withdraw The Money To your Bank And Receive your money within 5minute.
Steps on How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account using Tingtel App.
1: Select The Debit line You Want To Use.
2: Input The Debit Amount.
3: select the Bank Account.
4: click On sell Airtime.
5: then you will be asked to move your Airtime to Tingtel number to is connected to the same network.
When you have done that then the next thing is that Tingstel will make use of flutterwave to Credit the account been provided by you immediately flutterwave receive your Airtime, And This normally take 5minute to be credited to your bank account.
How To Convert MTN Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account
With this feature you can transfer from N100 Up To N5000 And you can not transfer more than N10,000 worth of Airtime in a day.
What you need to know is that every MTN can transfer Airtime to another person but before you do this, make sure you change the default pin which is 0000, you can transfer from one person to another while they credit your bank account.
How To Convert Airtime To Cash in Gt Bank
May people Due ask How Can I convert My Airtime To Cash Using Gt Bank?, is possible To Do So, when you mistakenly recharge charge from your bank, when this write transactions successful.
You can only get it reversed to you by going to bank, with the help of bank workers they will help you to reverse the Airtime to Cash directly to your GT Bank Account immediately.
Can Opay Convert Airtime To Cash?: How To Convert Airtime To Cash Using Opay?
Is not possible because they don’t have that feature to do that, so No opay can’t convert Airtime To Cash.
Conclusion On: How To Convert Airtime To Cash To Your Bank Account
With the help of the Apps listed above and the method, you can easily use them to convert your Airtime to Cash and withdraw it direct to your bank Account.
I am sure I have answered your question on How To convert Airtime To Cash, you can share this article with your friends to join you and learn, if you are having any problem make use of the comment Section Below.
Thanks for Reading.
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