Advanced Method On How To improve Your Blog Appearance In 2024

Welcome to ptechs once again , on Today Article I will be teaching you on How To improve  Your Blog Appearance, blog appearance can serve many purposes , so today my main target is aiming on How To improve  Your Blog Appearance

How To improve  Your Blog Appearance

Having A good Design Can Help in Attracting people to visit your blog and also when the blog attain fast loading , it may also lead to increase in ranking on Google , what this mean is that when you design less it will attract visitors to visit your blog that is to design with less colour , in the other hand when the speed is fast , it will result to ranking on Google


How To improve Your Blog Appearance

The below tips is nothing but the tips on How To improve  Your Blog Appearance , All you have to do is to read and implement to see result

1: Avoid using many colors, at it may appear too rowdy, especially when the color is badly combined. , This is basically Warning and telling you not to use too much  colour , Too much color / Design on A blog makes it look un professionalized and also make it load slow

2:  Avoid placing too much ads and banners, we are all know making advertisement on blog is normal, but does not necessarily means that you must ruin your blog with adverts , This is basically talking on method of placement of Advertisment , this is the process of advertising on your blog , you will learn how to place advert properly to avoid block age and also page slow ,  because page view slow can result to low in Earning if the blog is monitize and for fast and loading time experience , We recommend you to use  light theme for blog

3: Avoid use of  bad images or colors for your blog background, use light colors and light image., Bad images can cause many harm to your blog , so is proper to avoid the use of bad images on your blog because it can decrease your  Google Ranking position , that is why is always advice people to avoid the use of bad images when publishing Article , When publishing a blog post, do properly make use of subheadings.

4: Avoid using nulled theme, we recommend using premium theme or any light theme from theme forest , Using Nulled theme is not the best at all because many things are associated with Nulled theme , When using Nulled theme your blog can easily been exposed for hij€cking , So that is to tell you that Nulled theme is not the best at all

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Conclusion on : How To improve  Your Blog Appearance

It is very necessary and compulsory for a blog owner to work on his / her blog appearance, website appearance must be attractive / good because it is another means of driving traffics to a blog.  , The Article Above on How To improve  Your Blog Appearance has explained everything in fullest , so is now your choice to read from the beginning to the end to understand How To improve  Your Blog Appearance ,

Making your blog appearance attractive must go a long way in making your users/visitors feal less stressful and comfortable in accessing your blog , when your blog is responsive it will be very easy for visitors to access and very easy for them to know what the blog is all about so that is the basic and key factors to take in place in terms of working on the appearance of your blog and also increasing the speed helps in easily accessible of your blog which will make the blog attractive since it response very fast , kindly share this post if is useful to you

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