How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money
How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money And How To Embarrass Someone Who Owes You Money And Make Them Pay You.
How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money
Is not longer a new thing that people always owe people money and getting back the money is not always an easy task so that is why I am writing this post to show you How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money And Don’t Want To Pay You Back the money.
Some Companies always make use of different strategies in recovering their money from Debtor’s, you can hire a track debtor’s in other to recover the money that someone is owning you, but what if the money someone is owning you is not even much to pay a debtor recovery agency, but you don’t need to panic, I will show you how to recover the money your self without paying anybody a dime.
I am going to be showing you ways To Shame someone who owes you money both online and offline and force them to pay you your money.
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Ways To Shame Someone who Owes You Money And Get Back The Money
In other for you to get your money back from someone that borrowed money from you, you need to follow this shaming tricks and tactics below;
Meet/Approach Them At Their Workplace
Is embarrassing when you meet the person that is owning you at his or her office to remind him or her, so when you enter the office you will threaten to lock him or her up if he refuses to pay you back your money. This works very well, this is another way to shame someone who owes you money and not willing to pay you the money.
Call your Debtor’s a Fraudster
If your debtor is proving stubborn and refuse to pay you back your money, all you need to do is to inform him or her that after 1hour you will tag him or her as a scammer, you can post the Debtor’s picture as a scammer on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp status, Craigslist, eBay and Instagram feed.
When you post your Debtor’s picture on social media and tag them as a scammer, trust me people who know’s them will reach out to them, they will quickly want to pay you your money so you can delete the post so it will not tarnish their image online.
Post His Pictures And Phone Number On social media.
You can post his pictures on social media and his number on social media with a well discription calling him or her a scammer, that is another way to Shame Someone Who Owes You Money.
When you post their image on social media and tag them as Fraudster, they will rethink and pay you back your money, is same thing as calling your Debtor’s a Fraudster.
Post His Contact Details On Social Media platform
This is another way to shame someone who owes you money, you can shame someone who owes you money by posting their contact on social media, when it comes to this, you need to compose a good writing base on the situation and post on some forum’s site like Nairaland, Reddit or Twitter.
When composting the write up, make the write up to sound angrily and emotional and tell people to reach to him or her via his or her contact and inform him or her to pay you your money.
You can compose a message like;
He/She told me that he or she is broke and ask me for money. I told him or her that the money that is with me is for my kid’s school fees. He or Her assured me that He or She is going To pay back in 5days, and after the incident, He or She Has been living a comfortable life, while my kid’s almost got kicked out of school for school fees. What I did was for me to be a helper to a fellow Human . Please you can kindly help me place a call on his or her number to ask him or her to pay me back my money, His or her Number is “+22245********”(put his or her number and post)
Still on: How To Embarrass Someone Who Owes You Money
So when you do a thing like this, your debtor will know that you are really serious and have the time to shame him or her, so that is How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money.
Threaten Your Debtor’s On Social Media
You can easily get back your money from Someone Who Owes You Money by Threatening them, you will tell them that if they didn’t pay up the money they borrowed from you that you are going to post their Pictures all over the Internet as a scammer, so if you say something like this, they will pay you back your money, that is another way To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money.
Send To The Debtor a Personal Threat Message
You will tell your Debtor’s that you give them just one week to pay up the money they borrowed from you, that if they pay deaf ear to this message and refuse to pay back your money that you are not going to take it likely with them, and you are not going to have any sympathy for them and you are going to disgrace them In public.
Still on:How To Embarrass Someone Who Owes You Money
When you threaten your debtor this way, he or she will rethink to pay you back your money because they don’t really know what you are up to, so that is How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money in other for them to pay you back the money by force.
Conclusion on : How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money
Is always advisable to give your Debtor’s time to pay up the money you borrowed them, but if they do other wise, you have no choice than to use this tactic on How To Shame Someone Who Owes You Money.
Stay safe.
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